Out of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Cassidy Keitt has gone from karts to Legends. This year as she’s joined Rev Racing and the Drive for Diversity program. Her worth ethic and support from her family and friends has led to growth in her confidence, improved race craft, and most importantly, her love for motor racing is stronger than ever. Keitt is proud to be an example for other women that racing isn't just for the boys and continues to work with diversity efforts in racing. 


Hometown: Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Race Team: Rev Racing

Car Number: 7

Division: Semi-Pro

Favorite Movie: The Spongebob Movie

Favorite Color: Blue


1. What first got you started in racing?

My uncle (Ryan Sparks) has been in racing and my great grandpa and grandfather were both racers so one day my uncle and I were driving down the highway and he just flat out asked me, “Do you want to start racing?” So I was like, “Yeah sure, why not?” So we got a Winged Outlaw Kart and set up about four cones in a parking lot and I just started making laps and laps until I got pretty quick and then we moved down to Millbridge Speedway, a dirt track. My first year I was obviously pretty slow and getting lapped and then the second year something just clicked and I just started winning races back to back.

2. How has your racing journey been so far?

I went from Outlaw Dirt Karts and I also did some karting down at GoPro and I wasn’t really into that, we just went down there to get some laps, we didn’t really race much but then we wanted to try something new and faster and just something that would get me more experience so we switched to the Legend Car and I think now it’s helped me a lot. I think it’s just built up my confidence and helped me get into a faster car so I can build up to get to the level of late [models] or modifieds.

3. What does it mean to have an uncle who knows so much about racing?

It’s awesome! I wouldn’t be able to do racing without him. He’s helped me with so many resources. Obviously, money is a big thing and with his support in general, I mean if I didn’t have him I wouldn’t be here right now and be at this level I’m at.

4. What are the next steps to get to late models or modifieds?

Physically I want to be stronger because obviously, those races are pretty long. Right now, for instance, our races are 20 to 25 laps but those go up to 100 laps. We also bought me a modified so I’m hoping to get into that and I hope that it’ll be able to help me transfer over to the late models. Also mentally, because at the combine I had gotten in a Late Model and it was really fast. Mentally I want to be able to be stable in the car and not freak out or anything like that.

5. How were you chosen for Rev Racing and what does that look like for you?

I got to go to the combine and do all the different tests, physical interviews, and stuff like that and once you make it on the team, we come and workout every morning and do some media meetings. We go karting and we race almost every weekend so that’s definitely helped a lot because before I was maybe racing every other three weekends and now I’m able to race and get seat time and it’s just really helped me and pushed me and it’s taught me a lot.

6. What does it mean for you to be a part of the Drive for Diversity program?

It means a lot honestly. I want to see more women in the sport of racing whether that’s on the track or behind the scenes doing pit stops or engineering work. Especially for me as a Black woman, I want to see more of them in racing so I’m glad I’m able to be on this team and help inspire and push other drivers to get up there and be on a high level.

7. How do you maintain a balance with racing and other parts of your life?

I mean sometimes you just have to take a day off because all of this stuff is draining and it can drain you out. I think if you just take maybe a day or a week off just to recuperate and get yourself back together and then come back. Honestly for me, at Rev Racing they make it fun, they make it like a vacation so I’m always excited and happy to be able to come in every morning and work out and see everyone.

8. What is your favorite track to race at and why?

Currently, it’s probably Florence [Motor Speedway] just because of how big it is and how fast you have to go into the corners and the exits. You have to go and be really confident in yourself and in the car. I think this track has also helped me a bunch with my confidence in the Legend Car because before, I was a little iffy with the way it drives, I’m used to being smooth, and in the Legend you have to be all over the place, so I think this track has definitely built up my confidence and my trust in the car.

9. What is the most challenging part of racing for you?

The mental part of it and the media stuff because obviously media can either build you up or tear you all the way down. I think it’s just hard to know what to post and then how to take the comments and either put them in the back of your mind or use them to help you make better content. It’s just all mental with racing, everything in the media, in the car, it’s just all mental so if you just put those bad thoughts in the back of your mind and push forward you’ll be fine.

10. What is your favorite racing memory?

When I was eight or nine back at Millbridge, it was the day that my dad asked my mom to marry him. We were at the track and I had a shirt that said, “Mommy will you marry Daddy?” Then I raced and I won and everyone was there to see it so I thought that was really awesome.

11. What is your connection with sponsor, Andy’s Frozen Custard?

We’re really good friends with Austin Dillon and Andy’s sponsored him for a long time and Austin kind of helped us get that connection so we’re really grateful to him and Andy’s for all they do.

12. What does it mean to race in a male-dominated sport?

I’m grateful to be here but it’s also pretty intimidating, you know, there’s not many girls here. There are even grown men that I’m racing against at Florence and it’s scary sometimes but I’m also thinking about the fact that I’m doing what I love and that’s all that matters at this point. It doesn’t matter what anybody else says, “Oh you’re a girl, you shouldn’t be racing.” No, it’s not just a male sport. Women should be able to come in here maybe in the background in engineering or pitstops or even racing so I’m very grateful to be able to be here and be able to race.

13. What is something that racing has taught you that you can use in everyday life?

For me I used to always care what other people thought of me. I think if you care less about what other people think of you and do what you love and what makes you happy, I think that you will go so much further in life. On the other hand, some people's comments will just tear you down so you just have to push those thoughts behind you and just keep going to do what you love.

14. What advice would you give to other girls who want to get started in racing?

I would tell her just to keep pushing. Obviously, you will have those days where you think you might not be able to go anymore, but just keep pushing, I’ve definitely had a few of those so if you think you’ve reached rock bottom there’s only one way to go and that’s up so just keep pushing and just keep trying and do what you love. Don’t let anyone else define you or try to tell you what you should or should not be doing

15. Who do you look up to in the world of motorsports?

My uncle but also my grandpa and my great grandpa, especially because they used to race and they are still in the motorsports world now. They’re out at every single one of my races and if my friends ask for help on their car, they’ll be there, so I really look up to them. I want to be able to stay in the sport as long as possible like them, even in their old age. I want to be there at the track watching or helping, probably not racing at that age but I just want to be in motorsports as long as I can.

16. What is your favorite thing to do outside of racing?

I love to play basketball. Even down there at the shop after you finish working out we all go back and play basketball and it’s such a fun time. I also love hanging out with my family of course and friends and my two dogs.

17. If you could be in any movie, what movie would you want to star in?

I think off the top of my head I would say Jumanji. I don’t know why but it’d be a fun adventure.