Legend Car Semi-Pro Division driver Katelyn Hicks, from Georgia, found her love for racing through family traditions at the race track. She now balances her racing journey with furthering her education in nursing school. Hicks continues to chase strong finishes and victories as the 2024 calendar picks up steam! 

Division: Semi-Pro
Race Team: Bandit Motorsports
Hometown: Senoia, Georgia
Car Number: 00
Favorite Vacation Spot: Daytona Beach, Florida
Favorite Driver: Kyle Larson

1. What got you started in racing?

I was 15 when I started. So, kind of a late start, but I always grew up at the track, my brother started racing when he was eight, and before that, my dad did a little bit of Legends when we were little so I’ve always been at the track. It’s always been a part of my life.

2. How has your racing journey been so far?

I started off in Bandos, I didn’t really like it, I like Legends a lot more. I moved up to Legends last year and I raced Chargers so this is my first year in Semi-Pro.

3. What has been your favorite racing memory so far?

Probably when I won for the time in Atlanta, that was probably my favorite one it was really exciting. I was like, “Wow,” because I had never won before and I wasn’t expecting it to happen but I qualified on pole that day and I was able to lead most of the laps and then I came around and I won and it was really cool.

4. Who is someone you look up to in the world of motorsports?

I would definitely have to say, my brother. He’s really good at what he does, not only working on them but racing them as well. He can race anything and do well. He’s definitely someone that I’d like to follow.

5. How is it sharing a sport with your brother?

I love sharing racing with my brother because he’s been doing it a lot longer than me so it’s great having him to coach me and help me with anything I need to work on.

6. What does it mean to be a girl in a male-dominated sport?

I think it’s really cool that there are a lot more girls now than there used to be and it just shows that girls can do it too. Being a girl in the sport definitely comes with challenges but I think it’s a great thing and now that it’s more common people have become more accepting of it.

7. What would you tell other girls that want to start racing?

Even if there’s more boys out there, don’t let that deter them from wanting to do it because they (girls) can be just as good or even better than them.

8. What win are you most proud of?

I think maybe one of my Atlanta wins or one of my last wins there in Chargers and then ended up running a Semi-Pro race there too so that’s probably one of my favorite ones

9. How is it balancing college and racing?

I go to Gordon State and I’m studying nursing so it’s a little more work than high school but I don’t have to go to class every day every week so it helps a lot not having classes every day and having some online too helps me get my work done ahead of time so I have time to race on the weekends.

10. What do you like to do outside of racing?

I like hanging out with my friend Brooke all the time and when I’m at home I like to play my piano and I’m learning the electric guitar now too so just things like that.

11. What is the best part of racing for you?

The people you meet there. I always enjoy myself at the track even when I’m not on the track. Everybody is so nice and it means a lot just to be out there and being with everyone.

12. What is the hardest part of racing?

I would have to say the hardest part of racing is trying to figure out what’s going on with the car when I’m driving to be able to tell my brother what needs to be changed and different things I can change with the way I’m driving to help the car drive better.

13. What is the reasoning behind your 00 car?

When my brother raced Bandos he had two cars, one being the number 56 and the other 00. 56 was always his main number so when I started racing I decided to carry on the tradition of the 00.

14. What is your favorite track to race on and why?

Atlanta (Motor Speedway) probably because I’ve raced there more than any other track and it’s just comfortable,

15. What are your goals for the 2024 racing season?

Definitely to pick up some speed more and try to get a top 3 finish in Semi-Pro because I’ve only got Top Five a few times so definitely want to get to at least the top three maybe even a podium.